
This past week was a week of BOLDNESS!

 10 February 2014

BONJOUR, it's Soeur M! Or Soeur Metsätahiti (people think for some reason that I am from Tahiti... Oh well!)

Still in Bordeaux and life is great. This is the 3rd transfer that me and my companion are together and we really work well together, which is fantastic!

For this transfer we've had different themes for each week. Last week was the week of restoration and we tried to teach and testify of the restoration of the gospel every given opportunity. It was really fun having a certain theme and somehow we kept finding and seeing opportunities which were perfect for our theme.

This past week was a week of BOLDNESS! I thought before my mission that I was brave and bold but actually I wasn't. :D Being brave and bold is something missionaries need always practice onbecause that is how we're supposed to be; brave and bold. It requires A LOT of faith in the Lord though. :) This week we contacted a lot of people and personally I tried to fight my "fears" by contacting big groups of people. I love contacting, it's so much fun meeting so many different kinds of people and talking to them about their believes and lives. 

You always meet interesting people also. For examle this one guy got mad at me for not wearing any red even though I said I like that color. :D I also met a guy who believed in fairies and taught me all about different colored aura's people have around them. the french people are super funny, I love them! :)

This one day we were walking through Gambetta when this one guy basically dragged us in into a boutique and made his co-workers confess their sins to us. We were so confused but it was so hilarious. We were all just cracking up because nobody knew what was going on. :D

Our ami's are doing great, we have a couple of ami's who are preparing to e baptised and I am so happy for them. It's crazy how muchyou can learn to love someone so much and want them to choose the right. One of the greatest gifts given to us is free agency and we can never decide anything in anyone's behalf. We can just invite people with love and help them with all of our power and might. :)

I am so happy to be a missionary!

Love, Soeur M

P.S Jasmi is the best blog updater ever!

Crazy times at a museum!



Happy hippo in BDX